Leo Gomes Open source and random things

Curated list of performance related videos - May 2017

These videos are probably a bit late for a post in May 2017, but they’re still useful to me, so they may also be useful for someone else out there :)

How NOT to measure latency

The already classic talk from Gil Tene on the problems of measuring latency and what “coordinated omission” is. A nice write-up of this talk can also be found on the High Scalability blog.

How to fail at benchmarking

This is a kind of sum-up of what Gil Tene’s said plus some nice introduction for people who are pretty new to benchmarking. It’s pretty much Java/JVM-oriented, but principles also apply to other languages/runtimes. A well-humored version in French (the mother-tongue of the speaker) is available here.

How I Learned to Stop Worrying & Love the Lambda

Todd Montgomery talks a lot about Aeron, but also about their experience with Java 8. It may be so 2015, but there are still some good advice on things that I’ve seen being discussed recently, like streams API.